Direct supply tether cables [applications: balloons, aerostats, drones] resistant to high and low temperatures, tensile, wear-resistant, and impact-resistant. Tether cables … Cite?te mai multTethered drone cable
Underwater acoustic communication technology is a wireless communication technology that uses water media to spread information. It is widely used … Cite?te mai multUAM1500 acoustic modem
Troliul electric de la Unrcable se mândrește cu o gamă impresionantă de caracteristici și beneficii care vor satisface cu siguranță clienții? are nevoie. … Cite?te mai multTroliu electric (compact)
One of the key benefits of automatic electrical winch is their ability to work automatically, without requiring manual intervention. This … Cite?te mai multTroliu electric automat
Unir a finalizat recent un proiect care presupune instalarea unui sistem inovator de rețea de fibră optică în diferite locații... Cite?te mai multProiect recent
Unir Cable is a leading provider of cable assembly services, offering customized solutions for a wide range of industries. With … Cite?te mai multAnsamblu cablu și altele
Unir Cable has developed an innovative underwater universal joint connector that could revolutionize the way underwater vehicles are designed and … Cite?te mai multConector universal subacvatic